WFO S1 E4.5 – Transcript

WAITING FOR OCTOBER S1 – E4.5 – “Frederick”
by D.J. Sylvis

ANNOUNCER: There is a world – one of many that touches ours – known as October. One of the archetypes; one of the realities that is a source for our stories. It is not difficult to reach, if you know the way – you can experience their wildness for yourself, adventure there, and live, and love. But be wary – perhaps more than any other existence, here there be monsters …

Note – there may be advertisements inserted at this point in the episode.


SOUND: City background, evening (ongoing)

SOUND: Yujin and Frederick walking along the sidewalk


I’d call that a pretty satisfying day. 


I got three treats. 


And I sold that Tikbalang an entire starter kit. I’m gonna head back to the park. Want to come and distract the marks for me? 


I have to keep looking. I have to go. 


Still searching for your place, huh? Don’t get into trouble. 


I’ll have to if my place is somewhere in trouble. Goodbye, Yujin! Watch out for pigeons!


Good luck, little dude! 

SOUND: His footsteps fade away, and we hear Frederick licking himself for a bit 


I wish Yvonne had stayed. She smelled like home. But there are other smells to follow. 

(they sniff, as if checking the air)

There’s a house with an herb garden that way. But that’s not going to help me find my place. Someone just peed in that alley. There’s smoke way down that street; smoke isn’t good. 

SOUND: Other footsteps are passing by


There’s a – look out! Don’t step on me! Don’t pet me; I don’t want pets right now. Just go. 

(after a moment, when the footsteps have faded)

I haven’t been down in the tunnels lately. And the tunnels are back by that store where I got treats. I got in trouble for climbing the tree lady, but Yvonne brought treats outside. That way.

SOUND: A brief meow, then Frederick running for a bit

SOUND: A bit of city noise changing around him, some traffic, a car hitting the brakes


I’m sorry! Not really. Watch your feet, let me through! 

SOUND: Suddenly stopping, some faint buzzing in the air above


(after a cautious “mrrrrrp”)

Shadow! It’s a big shadow, everyone stop and wait! Oh, it’s just bug people. They’re okay, they don’t chase cats. If you see them down here, though, don’t pounce. They’re prickly. 

SOUND: They keep on going, more sedately this time


I should ask them if they’ve seen my place. I don’t remember being up in the air … but I don’t remember not being there, either. 

SOUND: We hear the electronic bell from the convenience store in E4



SOUND: We hear the bell again, and heavy footsteps, perhaps with a tail dragging as well


Hi, do you have treats? You came out of … did you get … 

SOUND: We hear the bell again


Maybe if I’m careful, I can sneak in. 


(translation below is “Get out of my store, you!”)

Oh, no. I see you down there. Mira, largarte de mi tienda!

SOUND: Frederick dashes out with a yowl; we hear the bell again


This way! She can’t reach back to the alley. 

(brief pause)

I only climbed her that one time. 

SOUND: Another cat hisses


Sorry! I didn’t see you there. I was just – that’s an interesting smell. What did you find? 

SOUND: Another hiss, a bit of a yowl as they bat at Frederick


Okay! Okay, I’ll go. 

(muttering to themselves)

Because I want to go, there are plenty of smells in other places. I was on my way to the tunnels anyway. 

SOUND: We hear Frederick walking for a moment, back out on the sidewalk; we hear them ducking under the turnstiles in the subway station and running down the escalator

SOUND: Background transitioning to subway station  background (ongoing)


Watch it down there! 


(running, over their shoulder)


SOUND: Transitioning to subway platform background (ongoing) – more echo, footsteps, indistinct voices down the way; Frederick stops


Which way? 

(they sniff)

Down here. Listen for the train first. 


(other end of the platform)

There’s that cat! I don’t think they’re supposed to be in the tunnels. Hey! Hey you!  


No! Run! 

SOUND: Cat feet running


Stay to the side – 

SOUND: We hear him leap down into the subway tunnel, the background immediately changing – but before anything else, the train suddenly screams through, coming to a halt in the station behind them


(after the train is stopped)

I’m fine. I wasn’t scared.

(after a moment)

Going. Down this way, down below. 

SOUND: We hear them walking for a bit in a tunnel, occasional water, rocks shifting

SOUND: Another subway train, but pretty distant


Too many tunnels. Train tunnels, pipe tunnels, snake tunnels. But somewhere down here could be my place. Sometimes I think I can smell it. 

(after a moment)

Not that way, that’s too deep, that goes down to the middle of the world. I don’t want to meet the Endling. Around this way, this is okay. This only smells like mud and Marsh-Wiggles. 

SOUND: Continued walking, steps becoming a bit squishier


This might be the right direction. I’m not sure. I … try to be sure, I try to remember, but it’s all too fuzzy. I know my place isn’t … here here. There were only human-people, not monster-people. I didn’t even know what monsters smelled like, until … I can’t remember! I almost do, then it goes fuzzy. Like … kitten-fuzzy. 

(after a moment)

There were tunnels there too. For trains, for rainwater. Rats, racoons, sometimes dogs down there. I didn’t go in them much, I don’t think. Maybe my place isn’t down here, it doesn’t smell right anymore. 

SOUND: There’s a sudden splashing beside them, and a serpent-like hiss


Whoa! Giant eel! Giant eel! Don’t try to hurt me! 

(hissing back, a yowl)

I can bite you. I am not food! I’ve got claws. 

SOUND: A more restrained hiss in return


You started it! I didn’t know you were there. 

SOUND: Another bit of lazy hissing


I’m sorry, too. I can show you where to find good fish … if you carry me to the canals. 

SOUND: A bit of a splash


Okay, I’m – I’m holding on. Don’t get me wet! 

SOUND: Tunnel background fades; we use the transition effect to indicate time passing

SOUND: Canal background (ongoing) – city surface, waves lapping


(calling back)

Be careful! Don’t let anyone catch you! 

(to themselves)

I hope they know the Gill Folks fish there. 

(they yawn)

I’m tired now. I think it’s time for a nap. If I can squeeze under these stairs – 

SOUND: A door opens suddenly, we hear music and angry voices, then flapping wings as the door slams shut again


How dare you! I was born to the stage, down both my bloodlines. Karaoke is my gods-given right! 

(realizing he’s not alone)

Who is it? Oh. You. Whatever your name was. 


I’m Frederick! 


Sure, the cat who talks, but has no interest in poetry. 


You smell like smoke and whiskey. 


That’s how you know it’s a good day! Why don’t you return to your pointless feline wanderings? 


I was going to take a nap. But you’re loud. 

SOUND: Raven banging on the pub door

SOUND: Frederick starts trotting down the dock


(fading as Frederick walks away)

Let me back in, you scoundrels! My name was on the list! My song was chosen! Don’t let anyone have “Crazy Train” but me! 


There’s got to be a quieter place. 

SOUND: Walking for a few more moments; then we hear a boat’s horn nearby, pulling in to dock


I think that’s Russell. Hey, Russell!

SOUND: We hear a bull snorting, and hooves walking along the dock


Russell. Can I nap on your boat? 

SOUND: Another snorting sound


Help me up! Be careful with your horns. 

SOUND: A bit of motion as they’re lifted, the boat moving in the water


Thank you. Wake me up on the other side. 

SOUND: Canal background fades out; we have the transition effect again

SOUND: Wind whistling loudly – we’re mid-air, wings flapping slowly as a flying creature approaches the ground.


(shouting against the wind)

That’s why I don’t trust pigeons! I know you’re okay, you’re made out of rocks. But pigeons aren’t good! 


You’re not wrong, kiddo. They crap on your head. Sometimes, in your mouth if you’re not payin’ attention! 

SOUND: The wings and wind stop; heavy feet settle on the ground

SOUND: City park background (ongoing)


There you are. Back on solid ground. 


Thank you! And thanks for letting me talk to the giant bugs. 


No problem. They were right on the way. Now, maybe stay off the roofs for a while? This is the third time this week. 


I think you’re right. I don’t think my place was up high. 


We don’t get a lot of cats. Stick to the streets, that’s my advice. Now, you take care!

SOUND: Powerful wings flapping again, fading as the gargoyle flies away


I’m in the park again. I might as well find Yujin. Wait – my fur is messed up. 

SOUND: A bit of licking their fur and purring as they groom; suddenly walking again


(after a moment)

It’s a nice park. Except for the pigeons. I wish I did belong here. 

(another pause)

I don’t miss the people, or the cats from my place. There are good snacks here and warm spots to sleep. And Yujin, and Russell, and the Marsh-Wiggles and the gargoyles. There are good smells here, but they’re not … the right ones. They’re not the smells I remember. 

SOUND: They stop walking


(a little dejected by now)

This is where Yujin sits. I don’t see them anywhere. Yujin! Yujiiiiin! I guess they’re busy. 

SOUND: We hear a pigeon cooing somewhere nearby


(growls a little)

You get out of here. 

SOUND: Wings flapping as the pigeon takes off


I don’t know what to do. I’m tired, but it’s risky to nap in the park without Yujin. There are too many kids. 

(brief pause)
I’ve been chasing smells all day. I wish I’d followed Yvonne. She smelled right. I keep thinking I smell something like that again …

SOUND: They sniff the air again; once, twice, three times


Wait! Something close by smells like that, like Yvonne, like my place … something right here! Behind that tree. 

SOUND: They scurry over and sniff, we hear their paws digging


Didn’t I ever look here before? The smell is stronger now, there’s a … something that shimmers in the roots, it’s messing up my fur, but I think I can … I think if I dig, I can get there … 

SOUND: We hear Frederick digging, grunting a little as they squeeze their way in

SOUND: The park background fades as they get into the crossing

SOUND: For the first time in the show, we hear what it sounds like inside a crossing between the worlds; the fading of the other background into an uncertain in-between, like when your ears are trying to pop, then a quiet popping sound and arrival in the new place

SOUND: A different park background, more wind, more traffic (though distant), human voices on the periphery, a bit more digging as Frederick emerges


That felt weird. I think I remember that weird feeling, a little, from when I – wait! 

(suddenly they stop to sniff, and breathe deeply)

That smells … right. That all smells right. 

(more sniffing)

The air smells right. The trees smell right. The world smells right. 

(after another moment)

Look out, there’s a pigeon! But it’s the right kind of pigeon. And the right kind of leaves.

(another pause)
This is the place I came from. 

SOUND: For a moment, we listen to Frederick purr; then there’s quiet thunder in the air, and rain starts falling gently


It’s raining. I remember this kind of rain. 

SOUND: For a long moment, we just hear the rain. Then we hear Frederick purr again, satisfied


I … have to remember where … that tree is. So I can get back to Yujin. Back there … and back here again. 


But not now, after … a nap. 

SOUND: The rain and the purring continues, then fades with the park background fading

(The episode ends.)

PRODUCERS: Thank you so much for taking the time out of your day to listen to our show! 

Waiting for October was written by D.J. Sylvis, with sound design by Caroline Mincks, and music by Trace Callahan. This episode featured Ishani Kanetkar as Frederick, Leeman Kessler as the Raven, Elissa Park as Yujin, Rissa Montanez as Gabi, and Jenna Rose as both the voice and the gargoyle.

Our co-producers are D.J. Sylvis, Tina Case, and Sarah Müller. Our associate producers are Fool & Scholar Productions, Kathleen Lucas, Marcus Briggs, Martin Chodorek, Rebekah B.

A special thanks to our Patreon supporters who have helped make all of our stories happen! If you’d like to support our work or celebrate the folks who make it happen visit our Patreon at

Today our Crowdfundr shoutout is to Carolyn Mooney and Cass McPhee. Thank you for your support!

Today’s recommendation is going to be a bit of an odd one – they only released three episodes back in 2019 and then disappeared! But I keep revisiting those episodes. B.S Cryptid is a fiction podcast about two Australians exploring the US and finding cryptids wherever they go. Pretty appropriate for October fans, right? Go check it out! 

Meanwhile, we’ll be getting ready for the next piece of our story, where Karo and Yvonne come back to our world for a change! Until then, make sure you wind up where you most want to be, and watch out for those pigeons!

Note – there may be advertisements inserted at this point in the episode.

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