Waiting For October is an upcoming queer supernatural audio drama series from the creators of Moonbase Theta, Out. The setting is the world of October – a place of monsters, a place of fiction, a place of others born from the need of our stories. It’s a world that’s wild and transformative, where gill folks live in the lakes and weres run through the city streets, while kaiju roar beyond the mountains and the Moon always fills the midnight sky …
THANK YOU FOR A SUCCESSFUL CROWDFUNDING CAMPAIGN! We can’t wait to bring this show to you and share our monstrous world!
Cast and Crew
Producers – D.J. Sylvis (they/them), Tina Case (she/her), and Sarah Müller (they/them). Written by D.J. Sylvis. Original music by Trace Callahan; podcast artwork by Charli Vince Illustration.
Tina Case as YVONNE, a human Robin Regalado as KARO, previously from the monster world Leeman Kessler as RAVEN, a bird of mystery Dallas Hawthorn as GREY, a pack leader of the werewolves D.J. Sylvis as THE ENDLING, a writer of the world Tau Zaman as THE LINDWORM David S. Dear as THE MOTHMAN Rissa Montañez as GABI, a tree monster Elissa Park as YUJIN, a bugbear Cole Burkhardt as XAVI, of the Gill People Tim Keogh as ALAN-A-DALE, a singing skeleton Whitney Frisk as CHARLENE, a lake monster Vyn Vox is AUNCLE LANTERN Mette Marie Fisker is BERGEN, a troll Cass McPhee is HODAG (THE HODAG?), of the Moonkin Scotty Oka is CAMBERT, a lake monster Ishani Kanetkar as FREDERICK, a perfectly ordinary cat Adam Qutaishat as KARIM, a werebear Sarah Crawford is BAT GIRL Tom Zalatnai as MILES CARROLL, a human Faux Synder is a BARKEEP Jenna Rose is a GARGOYLE Caroline Mincks is a YOUNG’UN Ted Heavner and Angie Min are WEREWOLVES Bonny Lee and Ryan Gaiser are GREMLINS Cat Blackard and Josh Rubino are KAIJU Rae Lundberg and Jackie Andrews are GHOSTLY VOICES Caroline Mincks is a PODCAST HOST Sarah Müller is a BUS DRIVER