Author: Marty
As opening night of Uncharted Zones: A Sequence of Four approaches, you can learn about each episode right here at In this edition: Last Train.

Monkeyman Productions has joined the Movember movement to raise awareness and funds for men’s health issues. We like finding connections to pop culture and this particular fur-faced phenomenon proves that a symbol of making a difference can be as plain as what’s under the nose on a Monkeyman’s face.
1 MC & 1 DJ: An exclusive series of discussions between the AD and GM of Monkeyman Productions… two men of letters. This edition’s topic: Pop Culture Footnotes – The Language of Monkeyman
Uncharted Zones: A Sequence of Four is opening soon and we want to tell you about it… at a party! You’re invited to our third annual Monkey Night in Canada, an evening of entertainment, awesomeness and, of course, geekery with the Monkey-folk!