Tickets are now on sale for the Fall 2011 production, Uncharted Zones. There will only be five performances, so avoid disappointment and save money by purchasing your tickets now!
Tickets are now on sale for the Fall 2011 production, Uncharted Zones. There will only be five performances, so avoid disappointment and save money by purchasing your tickets now!
Development and workshopping of our December production began in May. Auditions and callbacks took place in July. Stay tuned for more updates as we continue the production process. Here are a few photos of the story so far.
Linn and Marty went to Fan Expo and had a blast! They took photos with some of their favourite costumed attendees. Check ’em out!
FanExpo is just around the corner…
1 MC & 1 DJ: An exclusive series of discussions between the AD and GM of Monkeyman Productions… two men of letters. This edition’s topic: Godzilla & Jet Jaguar – A Playwright/Director Team-Up.