MTO S1E2 – “Nineteen” – Transcript

by D.J. Sylvis


This is Consortium Channel 5, Moonbase Reports and Broadcasts, sponsored by the Sacramento Enclave and the Consortium Academies of Higher Learning.

The Consortium interrupts this broadcast for the following sponsored message.

NOTE – There may be an ad inserted at this point before the episode.

Broadcasting. This is Roger Bragado-Fischer, Communications, Moonbase Theta. The date is August 11, 2098; the time is 22:43.

Base shutdown is at nineteen weeks and counting; all tasks are moving forward on schedule, though with … minor variations. There has been some dispute among the extant crew members over who holds responsibility for quality assurance and final task approval. Our management team, of course, went into stasis on your instructions, which left a certain … vacuum. Perhaps in space, you believed that was unavoidable. But it is becoming an issue, particularly in the monitoring of the telescopic arrays. Clarification is requested.

With the reduction in active personnel, we’ve all been taking shifts in the observatory. Dr. Ray – Ashwini – is immersed in data analysis, particularly as deadlines loom in our schedule. They’ve even taken to sleeping in the chamber. We assist by monitoring the flow in real-time, both from the radio antenna array and the multi-wavelength optical telescopes. Optical monitoring is, of course, only useful when observing closer and more erratic cosmic phenomena. We log variations for review, and if they are marked for follow-up, we alter our focus in that direction. In theory, these decisions come from Ashwini as well, but a lot of it has been passed on to bots they’ve written into the network. Direct feedback or signoff on our labour is nonexistent.

It has been intriguing, being brought up to speed on the radio array, learning to read the data. To be sitting hundreds of meters underground, the array spanning the breadth of the Daedalus Crater above us … All of space filtered down in streams of numbers, in correlations and profiles that spiral like the galaxies they reflect …quasars, nebulae, the unbelievable mass of a black hole, invisible but radiant gas clouds … wavelengths too massive to measure through mirrors and glass. It’s a magnificence unimaginable to the naked eye.

Of course, it’s my responsibility as Communications to capture it all, both for reports and to use in crafting outgoing messages. But there have been issues. Michell keeps inserting themselves into the process as if we all report to them, as if Security in the natural order of things trumps science or necessity or … beauty. Certainly, if we find evidence of an incipient alien invasion, or encroaching development by a rival corporate entity, they’ll be the first we alert. But otherwise … you see the issue. If you could provide a memo, perhaps outline a reporting structure for these situations –

I am not suggesting that I be put in charge. I believe Dr. Ray is still capable, given proper motivation and reminders, to manage their area.

Base operations remain within acceptable levels. Helium-3 stores are at 90% and are being converted and stored for transfer on the returning supply rocket. Water is at 60%; a slight decrease due to an accident caused when the sewage tanks were vented directly to the surface. Please note the attached map and adjust your landing locations appropriately.

Two final notes, both referring back to my previous transmission. First, we requested copies of the near-side Bases’ shutdown logs for review. So far, our stasis pods have remained stable, but these would assist in reducing some significant safety concerns. Second, regarding my request for vehicle access to inspect and repair the microwave transmission towers. Michell has informed me that this is now pending with Security for approval. I’d ask you to reconsider and respond directly.

Personal message follows from this point. Alexandre, I’m missing you terribly today. Pets to Cas and Pol; have you been watching what they eat? You know how they get during squirrel season. You’ve been on my mind so often through the days, wishing I could share all this with you. Should we ever need to escape the strife on Earth, I’ve claimed a nebula in your name. The mathematics are absolutely lovely.

Moonbase Theta, out.

(The episode ends.)


Thank you for listening to Moonbase Theta, Out! Leeman Kessler is Roger Bragado-Fischer; the episode was written, edited and produced by D.J. Sylvis.

Theme music is “Star” by the band Ramp – check them out at ramp dash music dot net. Additional credits are in the show notes, and additional show information is on monkeyman productions dot com. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter – we use Twitter a lot – and if you want to be one of the super-moon-heroes who help us make the show possible, support us at Patreon dot com slash monkeymanproductions! We give our backers a lot of extras and
behind-the-scenes info, even special minisodes! And you always have our grateful thanks for listening, sharing the show with friends, joining our Discord to chat with us … all the ways you’re a part of our Mooniverse community. Take care, and we’ll be back soon!


Consortium Channel 5 ends our broadcast day with a final message: honour all curfews, listen to Security, and KEEP WATCHING THE MOON.

NOTE – There may be an ad inserted at this point after the episode.

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