Good morning, Monkeyheads! Rehearsals have been going well for Headshots and Healing Potions, and opening night is getting close enough that we can all seeRead More
Good morning, Monkeyheads! Rehearsals have been going well for Headshots and Healing Potions, and opening night is getting close enough that we can all seeRead More
As we barrel roll gamely forward (or, umm, sideways) toward the Fringe Festival and Headshots and Healing Potions, we’ve got a few more ways we’reRead More
We managed to snap a few shots at our last rehearsal – here’s Jeffrey Henderson, Manda Whitney, and Adam Cresswell indulging in a bit ofRead More
The first in a series of articles as we gear up for our first Fringe show, Headshots and Healing Potions!! Today, producer and co-playwright D.J.Read More
Tonight is dark at the Imperial Pub, but tomorrow we’ll open with a cornucopia of theatricality, music and geekiness. The official seat count is inRead More