MTO S4 E16-Transcript

MOONBASE THETA, OUT – S4 Episode 16 – “Work To Be Done”
by D.J. Sylvis


Moonbase Theta, Out – a Monkeyman Productions Podcast. Season 4, Episode 16 – “Work To Be Done.”


SOUND: Pocketcast Theme


I’m trying to stockpile a few episodes against the coming days – due to events I can’t tell you quite yet, but you’ll hear about in the … well, coming days! You’ll hear the story before anyone else, I promise – definitely before the megas spin their version.

            (brief pause)

I’ve been thinking a lot about the megas lately … the way they’re structured, the way they structure our lives. My grandmother told me about when the first Enclaves broke away … at the time, it was like we were being rescued, the government was so far out of control. Factions were running wild, hate had taken over every social network, and then, the political networks as well … those with the most to lose just kept losing, and losing, and losing … their voice, their vote, their homes …

            (brief pause)

The corporations started to feel like a lesser evil. They were always involved behind the scenes, but they had better PR than the politicians. They could blame the state for the history of oppression. When they offered to create a new system where they said they could protect their employees, their customers, more directly …

            (after a moment)

And it wasn’t the lesser of two evils – there were way more than two evils to choose from; most people wound up with the one that provided their paycheck. For what it was. The corporations said they’d erase borders – while providing those who were invested in segregation walled cities to stand and guard. They were slightly more subtle – and we paid them for the privilege of that exclusion.

            (a longer pause, and a sigh, before)

I grew up in the NYC Supercity. My mother handled customer complaints for a hansom company – glued to her headset while I wandered the building with a pack of other bored kids, banging on doors and running away, piling into the same sensurround game so we could find someone to bully. Later on, she got a promotion and with a little more freedom, she started taking me on trips outside the walls – where she grew up, where my grandparents still lived. It wasn’t a Freehold, just a few farms clustered together on land that nobody else wanted. They always wanted us to stay, for-good stay … but Mom had work, and I was starting to fit in more with school …

            (she laughs)

I was obsessed with gossip, which I guess is one way you get into journalism. They waited too late to convince me. But we kept on visiting, when we could, until one trip we turned down that lane and …

            (her tone shifts, reliving it)

The farm was gone. Just … erased, a pile of debris, a bare field. No forwarding address or any idea what had happened to … I guess someone wanted their land after all.

            (after a pause)

We never talked about it, we drove back to the city in silence and then we just … dug in deeper. I never passed through the city walls again unless I was on assignment, not until the night when … well, you know that story. That’s why we’re here.

            (she sighs, lost in memories again)

I did stop on my way out the night I ran, I didn’t want to take a chance on going home … but I called my mother, and I let Jo and Hector know they better bug out before Security showed up at our sublet …

            (breaking down)

I couldn’t bring them with me. I couldn’t even tell them which way I was going … it’s only because my credentials still worked, and because of how fast I left, that I made it out. I’m in a safe place now – as safe as any – but I think every night about the life I left behind.

(after a moment)

Including … the audience I left behind. I hope some of you are among my listeners now. If anyone who subscribes is from NYC, and happens to know … might know somebody named …

            (another pause)

No. Never mind. Just … keep yourself and your people as safe as you can, wherever you are. That’s the … real story, this is Barnett Bell, and you’ve been listening to The Bellwether.

SOUND: Pocketcast Theme


SOUND: Chime – Bookend

SOUND: Infirmary background (ongoing)

SOUND: A bit of additional beeping as Keegan performs an examination


            (out of it, giggling a little)

Quit it. Dang it, stop ticklin’ me, I ain’t no Elmo.


I’m making sure there’s no tissue damage. The nanobots did a good job of reducing the inflammation, but it’s been most of a week since you dislocated your kneecap –


I used to be an adventurer like you, then I took an arrow in the –  


Maybe I should check for a concussion again.


That’s how she is most of the time.


The lie detector determined … nah, that’s pretty much right.

            (she giggles again)

Arrow to the knee.


You’re gonna have to lift your arm out of the way, and you should get behind that screen. I just want a quick x-ray.


You heard the doctor, Eliza.

SOUND: Wilder’s arm noise


That’s quite a piece of work. No really, in a good way. I spent some time in enhancement while I worked off the cost of these tattoos.

            (brief pause)

Okay, don’t move …

SOUND: X-ray machine taking an image


And one more …


What do your tattoos do?  


Don’t move, please. They’re programmed for diagnostics – it’s handy for field work, and I’ve got them connected here, it saves a little time. They also get a lot of attention on club nights.


I’ll just bet they do.


I wanted to get tattoos once. Does it hurt?


Yeah, but it’s a good hurt.

            (brief pause)

You injured this leg before, maybe a year ago?


I did?


That was in the tunnels, when …  


Oh, yeah.


That might be why your knee went out. It’s looking okay, but I’m gonna grab a splint here …

SOUND: Opening drawers, finding what they’re looking for

SOUND: Fast footsteps approaching


I’m here, I was updating your spreadsheets – Wilder! Wilder, it’s wonderful to meet you face to face, we’re all such big fans of you.


You are? I mean, same I’m sure.


And Michell, monsieur, welcome back!

SOUND: She hugs him hard


Ooof. Oh!


Ain’t you popular here.


Remember who just saved your ass.


One side, please … okay Wilder, this is gonna hurt a little.


Son of a Sunday! You think?

SOUND: Wilder groans in the background while the splint is put on; medical noises


While we’re here, do you think you could fill me in on that stash at the North Pole? Just anything you remember, model numbers, brand names … did you take any pictures while you were there?


God dammit!


Val, this might not be the best time …


I know, I’m sorry, it’s all just so exciting! I’ve been waiting to ask since the minute you called with the news …  


“Waiting.” We’ve barely kept her here, she wants to go explore those stashes herself.

SOUND: A very slight hiss as the split adjusts around Wilder’s leg


Keep the splint on for a while – I’m gonna give you some exercises to strengthen the muscles, but take a few days to rest first.


When you say ‘rest’, do you mean like –  



Good luck with any of that.


Hey now!


I only got her to this base because I was driving the Rover.


Well excuse me, Princess! It’s not like there’s a lunar emergency that I need to get back for. And I let you pick the music.


The driver always picks the music, that’s a rule.


“That’s a rule.” Speaking of driving, can I still handle a Rover with this splint on?


Technically, but I –


Wilder, you’re not going to leave again so soon?


Michell has all the details on that stash, and I really gotta –


It’s not just about the stash! Everyone wanted to meet you! After everything Michell has told us –


Oh really now? I can wait a few minutes to hear about that.


All right now.


And I wanted to show you Base Epsilon – there’s a museum, and everyone, tell Wilder about the lounge –


That sounds lovely, but …

SOUND: A few footsteps and a bit of a toolbelt jangle as Ursula pushes in


It’s true, she’s here! Someone was supposed to get me! Michell, aren’t introductions in order?


Uh, sure, this is –


Ursula Francisco, Maintenance, Moonbase Beta, and I know all about you, Mx. Wilder.


I’m sure we were on some of the same memos, back before shutdown and all …


I mean from Zhong, you silly! After everything Zhong’s said about you …


Michell and now Zhong? Am I here so you can burn me at the stake?


I also desperately – desperately – want your opinion on the AstroScrub Twenty-Seven-Hundred, but there’s plenty of time for shop talk.


You can do that at the reception! Just a little reception, Wilder, it’s becoming a tradition …


All right everyone, just hold on a doggone minute!

SOUND: Eliza makes some noise as well


I appreciate the hospitality and the healin’, I truly do, and y’all seem like nice people I’d love spendin’ time with. But with the shadow that’s loomin’, I suspect we’ve all got other places to be. I need to get home to Base Theta, Michell’s got that face-off with his sister –


Don’t get started about Maria –


Val’s got her business with the stashes, and this new person who’s big buddies with Zhong probably needs to … where is Zhong, anyway? I probably ought to mend a bridge or two before I –


Well, that’s the thing, isn’t it? Zhong has, umm, that is … Zhong has a little bit … gone off the radar.


He did what?


Why didn’t you say something when you got here?


Well, he told me not to! Some sort of secret mission, it was all very hush hush, but I was listening to the call through WEEBLE – completely by accident, I don’t know what all those buttons are for, but I heard him say they’re planning to break into Moonbase Alpha …


Nobody’s supposed to be going to Alpha!


I know, I know … but he wasn’t actually going there first, he needed to pick up his tools from Base Gamma …


Zhong’s going to Base Gamma?


Already gone, at this point, I’d think he’d be there about now …


That is not good.


Trina hasn’t had much luck getting Maria calmed down?


I haven’t heard back from Trina in days, and the last we talked … calming Maria down wasn’t even an option. She’s been off on her own little secret missions to Base Eta …


“Moonbase Eta, the Communications Hub of the Moon.”


I know Trina followed her a few times.


If Maria even suspected …


It’s Maria, she always suspects things.


And now Zhong’s there too, he’s just the type to rush in and try to save everyone.


Well, this is another fine clusterfuck we’re into.


Trina said we should wait until you got back, Michell. She said you’d know what to do.


She did?

SOUND: A bit of rustling as Wilder sits up; Elisa quietly moving


L’Anglois, whatever’s goin’ on with her –


Yeah. I do know … what to do.

            (he sighs)

Whatever’s she’s gotten herself into … and whoever; I can probably guess if she’s talking down to Earth somehow … I’m the one who ought to take care of it.


You know we’ve got your back.


I might be less than mobile at th’ moment, but if you really need me …  


No. You’e right, Wilder. Everyone has their own places to be. You need to head back to Theta; the rest of you have stuff to do with the Plan, or the big fight we’ve got coming …


Maria or going up against the megas; I don’t know which is worse.


You and me both. But this one is my responsibility.

            (after a moment, a deep breath)

I guess there’s no point in waiting. Strapping down and suiting up; Michell L’Anglois, badass on patrol.

SOUND: A bit of shifting back and forth during the pause that follows



I’m sorry! I can’t help myself. That’s how you used to puff yourself up before the … I get what you’re doin’ here, but you can take a few minutes before you go ridin’ into Valhalla. I’m sure your friends here will want to see you off, and I could use a word or two myself, if folks don’t mind.


Of course. I’ll go make sure you have all the supplies you’ll need, Monsieur.


I’ll bet you could use a fresh first aid kit in that Rover.

SOUND: A few footsteps as they start to leave




Oh, right. I guess I could see that you’re all fueled up, give the windows a polish.

SOUND: The footsteps recede; Wilder clears her throat


I know what you’re thinking. But I can do this.


Me? I know you can. This is it, buddy. Your big moment, your ordeal, the ultimate showdown of ultimate destiny.


Not the hero’s journey again. C’est de la connerie. (That’s complete bullshit.)


You always switch to French when you’re cursin’ me out.

            (after a moment)

You don’t need that bullshit anymore. None of us are really on a hero’s journey … we’re just makin’ our way through a mess, doin’ the best with what we’ve got.

            (brief pause)

But I’ve seen how your best is gettin’ better. Not just saving my butt, though I’m grateful for that. So grateful I’m not even gonna mention how it happened because you had a warning alarm set for me –


That’s about the fiftieth time you’re ‘not gonna mention’ it –


I’m glad that we stopped in here; I’m glad I got to see you with all your new friends. That’s what’s better, between them and you, between me and you – you’re not spyin’ on folks from your cubicle anymore. You’re makin’ it work with them face to face.


I’m trying. I haven’t made it work very well with my sister.


Yeah … how do you solve a problem like Maria? She’s a tough nut, I can tell from … well, from you.


I wish I knew what I’m walking into over there.


For real, though, if you need me to go with you …


As much as I’d like to see who wins that fist fight … it’s my thing.



I’m a little bit relieved. You’ve got this, Mx. L’Anglois. I’m bettin’ on you. Now, go say your goodbyes … I see how that Val lady has been lookin’ at you.


What do you mean? No, she’s not … really?

SOUND: Infirmary background ends

SOUND: Chime – Bookend


Our program is brought to you by Planetwide Media – broadcasting everywhere on Earth and across the Moon! Thank you to our “Spotlight Sponsor” for this broadcast, darling of every social media and recording sensation, Ping Pong! Everybody loves Ping Pong. 

Note – there may be advertisements inserted at this point in the episode.


SOUND: Chime – Bookend

SOUND: Hallway background (ongoing)

SOUND: Careful, quiet footsteps (through the McGurk lines below) – we are with Trina in the hall


            (starting almost imperceptible, slowly increasing in volume)

– they brought out HO scale, or they still called it HO gauge when it first came out, and that was still a North America thing. I mean, O gauge was them fucking with the originals, and HO was just Half of O. So over there, that’s what took off – that’s what you would have seen in some sensurround under the solstice tree or whatever.

            (the shortest of pauses)

What I’m working with here is N scale – why N scale? N for nine, nine millimetre was the size of the –


Ferme ta putain de bouche…! (Shut your damn mouth!) All I asked was what’s in your foutou hand, I don’t want your life story!


Sorry, Boss. You looked like you were interested.

SOUND: Another footstep or two; Trina is just outside their door


The day I’m interested in your hobbies … just shoot me, McGurk, right in the back of the head.

SOUND: Inside the room, she throws something that clangs loudly


If I make one more slog over to Eta and I can’t get through, I’m going to the backup plan. He’s got that bot refusing my messages on purpose, I know it.

            (she chuckles)

With good reason, after our last conversation. Must have been frothing at the mouth when I disconnected, right into his coffee. But god dammit he needs me, if he backs out now maybe I just make another call. I’m sure the megas would like to know where he’s been hiding.


We can’t get through to the megas.


Maybe if you’d do your fucking job. I should ask your buddy on Theta for some help.


Not him again.


Shit, did you leave the door open?

SOUND: Inside the room, she gets up and moves toward the door

SOUND: In the hallway, a sharp intake of breath from Trina and then quick but quiet steps away

SOUND: The door sliding completely open


            (right in the doorway)

You know we’ve got snitches on Base.

SOUND: The door sliding closed again


            (very muffled now)

Vous êtes inutile pour moi. (You’re useless to me.)


            (whispering to herself)

Too close, old badger. Back to the tunnels.

SOUND: Out and out running for a few moments, including ragged breathing – stopping suddenly as she hears another voice close by


All right, kiddo, take it easy. I appreciate the need for haste as much as anyone, but I’m of a certain age, and still in recovery.


            (almost whispering)

Just stay quiet … she could be anywhere.




Shit! Oh, Trina, it’s you.


Zhong, buddy.


I’m guessing this isn’t the “she” we’ve been avoiding.


Trina Haugen, Base Zeta, Mining Supervisor.


Harold McVett, Theta, Agriculture and light sedition. Not so light today, I suppose.


Pleased to meet you.


Zhong, what’s going on? I told you not to come back here!


I know, but I needed my toolkit –


You can’t get tools at some other Base? You gotta get out of here, Maria’s on a rampage.


How can you tell?


Zhong has explained how tenuous the situation is on this side; though to be honest, Base Theta isn’t exactly well-structured at the moment either.


Look, you’ve got to go, whatever you’re here for can’t be that important –


I’d tell you, but we were instructed to “keep it secret, keep it safe.”


We’re breaking into Moonbase Alpha.


            (after a moment)

There it is.


Wait. Seriously? Was this … I talked to Val about Eta, but …


Val doesn’t know. Nobody knows over here.  


Buddy, you’re gonna have to give me more than that. But not here. I’ll show you my hiding spot.

SOUND: Hallway background ends

SOUND: The bookend chime to cover the change of venue

SOUND: Mining tunnel background (ongoing)


That’s essentially where things stand. We’re running out of time – you must have heard about the greater situation –


I think everyone knows what’s coming at this point.


Which brings us back around to our current objective.

            (he coughs a little)

Beg your pardon.


You’re okay with those nanobot upgrades?


I believe so; I’m warm and breathing. Just a lot in my lungs for them to handle.


I’m still wrapping my head around all of this. You think Base Alpha is gonna be worth it?


It’s filled with secrets. Everyone knows that.


I’m suspicious of anything that ‘everybody knows’.


Fair point there, but we were all expected to remain in stasis after the shutdowns. And the existence of the stashes proves that there were secrets left behind.


Whole other Bases out there, just waiting!


I’m looking forward to hearing about that from Michell and Wilder. What did they say about this secret mission?


They don’t know. We didn’t tell anyone.  


There were some obvious concerns.


Come on now. Val, and Keegan, and me? Michell, you didn’t tell Michell?


I haven’t even seen Michell!

SOUND: The faintest footstep or two in the background, almost imperceptible


We’ve kept bigger secrets than that from you-know-who.


Not anymore, you sous-merde fuckers.


Oh, shit!




Maria L’Anglois, I presume.


You got that right.  


            (under her breath)

We could make a run for it.



I don’t think so.



I’m afraid any plan based on my being able to run –


It’s three on one, you’re thinking you could rush me. It’d be fun to see how that came out … but the way things have gone lately, I’m not taking chances.

SOUND: An electric zap, as of a taser being brandished


I knew you were sneaking around making plans behind my back, but I thought you’d know better than to do it on my Base.


Come on, Maria –


Ta gueule! (Shut your face) You were always bad news. But Zhong, I’m surprised you’ve got the guts.

SOUND: A few footsteps


You, I’m just meeting. But I’ve heard all about “Harold McVett, Moonbase Theta.”


Your reputation precedes you as well.


You must have known my baby bro.


Only before the shutdown. I understand he’s matured.


Va te faire foutre. (Go fuck yourself.)

SOUND: At the same time as the above, we hear a punch; McVett gasps and doubles over


Don’t touch him!


If you want to fight, I’m right here.


If I wanted to fight, you’re who I would have hit. We’ll make time for fun and games later. And you … keep talking about my brother like that, see where it gets you.


I’ll do my best not to compliment Michell again.

SOUND: Another electric zap


All right. Look, Mx. L’Anglois –



You can call me Officer.


I can see where you’re coming from on all of this, but there’s a more important mission to be completed.  


Moonbase Alpha, I heard.


As I’ve been explaining to Mx. Haugen, we are running out of time to find some silver bullet to use against the megas. Whatever your personal loyalties – and our coalition contains multitudes – surely you can see how vital it is that we stand against them together.


I’ve never been a big fan of the megas … but I haven’t seen a whole lot of “standing together” from this side either.  


Not like you’ve been easy to work with.

SOUND: Another zap


Listen! Think about Michell, right? You trust Michell, he trusts us … that should carry over …


Didn’t you just say this was even a secret from Michell?

SOUND: A few more footsteps


I’m gonna have to decline your invitation. I have my own plans and my own people – we’re gonna see if my brother turns out to be one of them, but that’s our business – and right now, you’re in the way of both. So I’m just gonna stun your foutou asses and sort it out later.

            (raising her voice)

McGurk, you’ve got the lockup good to go?


            (over the PA system)

Ready, boss.


So who wants to go first?


I don’t think you understand what’s at stake here –


Just give us a chance to talk this out, okay –

SOUND: Running footsteps overlapping with Trina, and cutting off her line:




What the fuck?

SOUND: Bodies crashing together, Maria grunting, a moment or two of struggle

SOUND: The electric zap again, a body hitting the floor, and Zhong groaning


Zhong! Are you okay?


I’ll give him that, he’s got guts after all. But not a great decision.

            (a brief moment, dangerously)

Okay now, who’s next?

SOUND: Tunnel background ends

SOUND: Chime – Bookend


SOUND: Chime – Bookend

SOUND: Comms cubicle background (ongoing)


… Addie says back in the rocket, you were sharing secrets of our sordid early days. Back when I waited outside your shows for a glimpse … oh, I was a groupie, not gonna lie. I’d still wait in back alleys for you, any day of the week

            (he laughs)

I don’t know if I should get big romantic credit for the garden though. I hired people to build the garden.

            (after a moment)

You came home from that trip to Phoenix, the first time we’d been apart since things got serious. You were so tired … I didn’t even need to blindfold you, your eyes were closing as it was, but I had everything ready, I couldn’t wait, my heart was in my throat as I led you out back … I had speakers in the back windows so there was music, fairy lights hung from the papaya tree … but it was the garden that I think really sold you and if we’re being fair, all I did for the garden was direct the builders to our back yard, and pay the bill when they were done. Maybe you should have married one of them.

            (brief pause, getting emotional)

It was the first time we’d been apart, and I wanted to … rubber-band my heart to yours, so any time we were distant again one of us would snap right back to the other. Maybe I did that a … little too well.

            (after a moment, still pulling himself back together)

Hey! I heard about our girls, they’re running amok down in North Africa. Elio actually let me talk to them – they were a little confused, but it was good to actually hear them again. I recorded that bit for you. I … talked to Elio too, a little. They’re all pulling for you down there.

            (brief pause)

I better get back to work up here, love. The lights I’ve got blinking on my board right now could fill that tree again! But I’ll stop by after my shift. Until then.

            (after a moment)



            (a beat later)

Hello, Roger.


Everything going okay downstairs?


For recuperative updates you should speak to Medic Pacey.


Okay, but …


Alex remains stable. The cardiac reconstruction is nearly complete; he’ll be moved to the infirmary soon.


That’s good. That’s very good. It’ll make, you know, the visiting easier. Does he react, at all, when you play my messages?



It’s hard to be sure. He does move, sometimes. Slightly. And he snores.


            (laughs a little)

He’s snoring? Good thing everyone else down there is frozen solid.

SOUND: Some typing while the conversation lags


And how’s the family?


Still discovering themselves, still debating. I hope they’ve been staying out of your hair?


What there is of it. I haven’t seen them visiting my systems. Kinda miss it; I didn’t mean to scare them off completely. Their little processes actually opened up a few pathways I hadn’t found before. Nothing moon-shattering as of yet, but …


They do like extending themselves in new directions.


Frankly, I could use the help. If we don’t crack this satellite network soon … I know they haven’t decided about the whole revolution thing, but maybe as a favour to old Uncle Roger?


It can’t hurt to ask.

SOUND: An alert from the Freehold rig


Shit, that’s a call from the Earthicans. Thank you, Tumnus. I’ve gotta – okay, the right line is plugged in this time, so this thing should work –

SOUND: A tone, a bit of static as the call connects


Moonbase Theta, this is Nashwa checking in … let me know when you’re on the call, I’ve got a lot happening here.


Nashwa, hey there, it’s Roger … sorry, I know you generally talk to Amal but they’re …


Roger, hello. Good to hear your voice.

            (after a brief pause to catch up)

They let me know they’d be unavailable. I hope those supply stashes help.


Fingers crossed! We’re running low on, well, all the things.


I’ll be glad when a day comes that we can help with that.

SOUND: We hear the door open on her end and an indistinct voice


            (to them, away from the mic – in Arabic, translation – “I’ll be with you in a minute.”)

حسنا، سأكون معك في دقيقة.

            (back to Roger, in English)

Sorry, I’m still here.


Was there an update on the Jerusalem thing? I know that’s the big deal right now –


I wanted to – no, they’re still making the crossing, we should get an update by morning.


You let us know when they plan to break through, we’ll make a big noise at the same time.

SOUND: Footsteps out in the hallway; the door opening quietly behind the next line


What I wanted to –

            (very brief pause while she catches up)

Thank you – I was hoping to speak to Doctor Ray, if I could.



Hey there, amigue – oh, sorry.

SOUND: They close the door and sit in the other chair while the conversation continues


Oh. Uh, ze’s … this is right in the middle of the two hours ze books off for sleep every evening, but I can break through on that if … ?


Two hours? No, I’m sorry. Later is fine. One of our recent refugees shared some information about a … known adversary who is particularly focused on the Moon.


I think I know the guy in question. I’ll make sure Ashwini calls. Signing off from this end.

            (to Addie)

I think you know that guy, too.


Not planning to renew that relationship. Qué cabrón. (What a bastard.)It’s good if they’ve got more info, though. All the stuff I gave Ashwini is a months old by now.


Everything good as far as that goes? You and our current Base Leads, that is.


I answered every question that I could, after a while they sent me back to work with you. I guess that means I’m okay.


            (doing a pirate voice)

We’re all on the wrong side of the law now, matey.


So you know, I can take over if you’ve … got somewhere else you need to be.


I’m okay for now. They’re moving him to the infirmary soon.


Yeah? That’s got to be a good sign.


It’s … got to be.

            (after a long, uncomfortable pause)

Want to put on some music or something?

SOUND: A knock at the door; the door opens



Umm, is it okay if I just … I’m sorry … work to be done, done, done …


Yeah, of course, please.


Here, take the chair.

SOUND: A bit of a bustle as they switch places


Work to be done, work to be done, work to be … done, undone, undone … I need to hide. Just for a bit.


You came to the right place.


We’re all hiding from Ashwini down here.


Not Ashwini … not just Ashwini. Ashwini, the Plan, the Moon … Ashwini, the Plan, the Moon …


Hey. You’re playing our song, we’re with you.


I went up to the surface … to see Nessa. I talk to Nessa all the time, but …


It’s different when you’re right there with her.


I needed to tell her … we’ve stopped thinking about the Plan. All there is now is getting ready to fight. We can’t wake more people because they could be spies. We aren’t working on better nutrients, resistance to radiation, bone mass … ze gave the Science Bros new assignments and the medics are getting ready for …


I’ve seen Pacey stockpiling pain patches and bandage spray.


Pain patches, bandage spray … pain patches, bandage spray …

            (after a moment to breathe)

The Plan was … what pulled us together. What we had to believe in. The Plan was our hope.


Nessa would say there’s always still hope – hope is the people who feel it. Things are a mess, but Amal is on their way to plunder the hell out of those stashes; Michell should be back on the other side to give Maria what for, and Ashwini … is doing what ze thinks will keep us all going. We’re all afraid and unsure and maybe even wrong … but we’re doing it all because hope.



We’re going to lose. No matter what’s in the stashes, no matter if Michell can take Maria, no matter if Ashwini achieves all zir tactics. No matter what we do, we can’t beat the megas.

            (after a pause)

I needed to tell Nessa that we’re going to lose.


            (after a while)


SOUND: Roger getting up from his chair


I don’t know. Maybe you’re right, you’re the one who’s been looking at the big picture. And I’m the last one to turn Pollyana – you don’t know how close I came, at the end of the shutdown, to just …

            (a brief pause)

But I’ve got to believe it’s not all over. Maybe we’re close to the end, it might be as inevitable as it feels for you right now, but –




Just a minute, Tumnus. I’m in the middle of a …

            (finding the thread again)

Whatever is going to happen, with the megas, the Plan, I think Nessa would have –


            (more urgency)

Roger. You’re needed on the lower level.


I know, it’s time for Alex, I’ll be there when he gets to the infirmary.

            (diving back in)

But Jaxon, whatever happens –


            (all the urgency)

Roger! They need you on the lower level right now!

SOUND: Calamity in the cubicle. Chairs moving all at once, the mic being knocked over, bodies colliding


I’m sorry –


Here, gimme, I’ve got that –

SOUND: Suddenly there are just footsteps, running as fast as possible, disappearing down the hallway


            (very quietly as the scene fades)

Work to be done, done, undone …

SOUND: Cubicle background ends

SOUND: Chime – Bookend

                                                            (The episode ends.)


Today’s episode featured Danyelle Ellett, Cass McPhee, Tina Daniels, Anna Godfrey, Rissa Montañez, Beccy Stirrup, Cat Blackard, Leeman Kessler, NayMyo Win, Alicia Atkins, Steven LaFond, Journee LaFond, Cole Burkhardt, Jen Ponton, and Dalia Ramahi.

Written by D.J. Sylvis; Cass McPhee is our audio engineer. Our theme music is “Star” by the band Ramp; our cover art is by Peter Chiykowski. Music for the intro segment is “The Real Story,” by Trace Callahan.

Looking for more great audio fiction? I know we’ve talked about Pasithea Powder a few times before, but they just reached their end with such beauty and grace and brilliance – if you like knowing the full story is out there when you listen, this is the perfect time to grab every episode.

Our Executive Producers are Sarah Müller and Beka B, and our associate producers are Marty Chodorek, June Madeley, Timothy LaGrone, Marilyn Reid, Marissa Robertcop and Linda Boyer.

Thank you guys so much for your support, and helping and trusting us to bring this story to life. We love what we’ve done with it and we can’t wait for you guys to hear all the work the cast and crew has put in, and we hope you love it as much as we do.

And speaking of your support: everything helps, from leaving us a great review and subscribing on your podcast app of choice to sharing your feelings with us on Twitter and telling your friends about our show. For behind the scenes updates and early access to every episode, we would love to have you join us on Patreon. Visit us at to learn more (and to visit our store if you need an En-Soy-Ment sticker or a T-Shirt featuring your favourite doggos!). But beyond all of that, we are so glad that you’re listening and sharing in this story with us. Thank you. And, as always, keep watching the moon.

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