We’ve been able to set up the virtual storefront under the auspices of CafePress, and the process has run smoothly so far. However, as they are our corporate overlords, we have to play by their rules – and we’ve just been informed that there’ll be a price hike coming as of July 21st. When that date comes around, we’ll have to roll with the fiscal punches – but we’re also happy to subvert them a bit by making sure you know that if you place an order now, you can save a few of your hard-earned dollarpounds for that extra round at the end of the night, or to put toward a ticket to some show you may want to see come, oh, December or so.
So please, check out our stuff! Nothing makes you look swankier while eating a summer sno-cone than our Comedy/Tragedy t-shirt! Or gets you ready for those midnight Uncharted 3 and Arkham City line-ups this fall like our Monkeyman logo hoodie! If you want to fly your geek flag at work, there’s nothing better for sipping your double-sweet quadruple-espresso cafe mocha from than our #ykyamw (You Know You’re A Monkeyman When) hashtag mug – or if you’re living the nightlife the way our crowd does, why not our line of shot glasses for when you’re playing your Doctor Who drinking games? And don’t forget our buttons and magnets – nothing accessorizes better with your cosplay outfit, and it is convention season!
We’re going to be adding more merchandise in the months to come, so if there’s something in particular you’d like to see, maybe a quote from one of our shows presented in t-shirt form or our logo redone as a zombie, or maybe even a sparkly vampire – drop us a line and let us know! Your buying pleasure is our business! (Oh, sometimes we do shows, as well.)