Hey, Monkeyfriends. How are all the things? I’m completely buried in writing, directing, producing, editing, and getting ready to promote the upcoming Season 2 ofRead More
Hey, Monkeyfriends. How are all the things? I’m completely buried in writing, directing, producing, editing, and getting ready to promote the upcoming Season 2 ofRead More
New to the show, looking to binge, ready to revisit Moonbase Theta? Here’s the entire Season One – including bonus episodes – in chronological order! (So that’s Bonus Ep. 1 – Regular Season – Bonus Ep. 2!)
Roger Bragado-Fischer: Leeman Kessler (he/him)
Moddy Sarah: HE Casson (they/them)
Wilder: Tina Daniels (she/her)
Scientist: David S. Dear (he/him)
Written and produced by D.J. Sylvis (he/they)
Thanks again for listening, and sharing, and talking up the show! And special thanks to the people helping make our second season possible – backing us on Patreon or making a one-time donation via our Ko-Fi page. We’re deep into writing new episodes, about to cast all the characters being added for S2, and we couldn’t do it without your backing!
Theme music is “Star” by the band Ramp – http://www.ramp-music.net/. Cover art created by Peter Chiykowski – http://lookitspeter.com/.
You can find more information at https://monkeymanproductions.com/moonbase-theta-out/. You can also find us at Monkeyman Productions on Facebook, and as @MonkeymanProd on Twitter.
MOONBASE THETA, OUT – S1 Bonus Episode: “Minus One” by D.J. Sylvis D.J. SYLVIS Hello, this is D.J. Sylvis – creator of Moonbase Theta, Out.Read More